Cultivated crops

Quality and always fresh

Offer of vegetables

Throughout the year, our organization offers the 5 main crops that we have been known for for years, as well as other occasional crops based on availability and market demand, such as celery or hokkaido squash.


Potatoes were at the birth of the Vegetable Farm and still form its largest source of income. In addition to the constant search for new varieties that our growers undertake each year, they place great emphasis on planning and growing conditions. The potatoes are processed in our central plant in Kostolná pri Dunaji. In the year 2025 we cultivate 2000 hectares of potatoes, all of which are under irrigation. All year round, we warehouse, package and distribute multiple varieties of yellow and red potatoes, such as annabellecolombamoniquegeorginamozart, or red scarlet.


We are now able to offer our customers onions from our own production all year round. We are able to do this thanks to the sufficient acreage of winter onions that we sow in autumn, so that we are able to offer them to the market already in full skin in mid-June. The onions are processed in our central plant in Kostolná pri Dunaji. The production of onions for the year 2025 has risen to 700 hectares. All year round, we offer yellow onions, red onions and shallots. Seasonally, we also offer white onions.


Garlic, once a widely grown crop in our fields, has been displaced by imports from China or Spain over the last 20 years. Our mission is to offer this delicacy to our customers from local production, our garlic arrives on your table every year starting in early July. The garlic is processed in one of our facilities in Pavlice. In the year 2025, we will be cultivating over 100 Hectares of garlic.


Carrots, as a vitamin-rich crop, are a stable root vegetable with growers in the Vegetable Producers Organization. Easy access to irrigation water in the Rye Island area is key to growing carrots. The carrots are processed in a central plant in Kostolná pri Dunaji, and warehoused in warehouses specifically designed for root vegetables, so as to prevent drying out and deterioration of quality. In the year 2025, we will cultivate over 300 hectares of carrots.


Parsley, rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. is another popular crop. Our organisation offers it on the market already harvested. Parsley is processed in our central plant in Kostolná pri Dunaji. Just as with carrots, we specifically designed our warehouses to ensure the highest quality of our parsley. In the year 2025, we will be cultivating over 130 hectares of parsley.

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